A life of freedom. A life of abundance. That's what we were searching for almost 6 years ago, before finding POLARIS MEDIA GROUP. We had done more than our share of living paycheck to paycheck and making others rich. We were ready for a change, not only in our bank account but in our lifestyle as well. We made the decision to get started and have never looked back. Today, we live in a beautiful home in Texas. We travel all over the world to exotic destinations where we share in this community with POLARIS MEMBERS from around the globe. We generate an incredible income. Best of all, we're home everyday with our wonderful daughters, McKenna and Grace! Thank You POLARIS!
Bill and Tammi Putnam - Dripping Springs, Texas

 I LOVE this business. I found this business a year ago when I thought I had exhausted and failed at all ways of achieving financial freedom. I was a dairy farmer at the time with 6 darling kids and was so over 4.30 starts, gumboots and cow poo!! I was a girl for goodness sakes and what can I say - I LOVE high heels and designer clothes and money!. This really is a very simple system with incredible leadership built on integrity and is a wonderful vehicle to create wealth....I really do LOVE it!...and it works!......I have made more money in the first 7 weeks of this year already than the whole of any year on the farm (exciting!) and if a girl from a farm in the Wops can do this and make a ton of money...then anyone can!!..The support and the people here are AWESOME. The money is fantastic and you never have to figure anything out for yourself ever! This business rocks and I am having a ton of fun and loving life!
Delwyn McKenzie - Galatea, New Zealand

 I love this business, I love the products and I love the people. I literally use the products every single day and they have changed the way I live my life. The people that make up this community are the cream of the crop. My family and I have built life long relationships. We have a unique business that combines a simple system, a powerful compensation plan and stellar line of personal development products. The result is total life freedom. I confidently introduce this business to new people every day and know that I am serving them and assisting them in changing their lives. Thank you POLARIS MEDIA GROUP. I'm here to stay! Dean Pierno - Sherwood Park, Alberta

Ciao! This is Angelo from Italy. Yes you read well, ITALIA. PMG magically appeared into my life in March 2008, exactly one month before the first Italian conference ever! Only a coincidence? I don't think so. I tell you this: PMG for me has been love at first sight! Why? The energy that vibrates here, the spirit of leadership that everyone radiates, the strong feeling of "I can do anything I want" and my total match with the PMG values and mission are what I like the most about this community. Since joining PMG, I started dreaming as I never have before: discovering and living my life to the fullest is my mission with PMG and my daily commitment to my new exciting life. Thank you so much PMG!
Angelo Costantino - Milano, Italy

 I joined POLARIS MEDIA GROUP just over a year ago, from a professional background as a Chartered Accountant and working for companies as a Finance Director. The business model was new to me and I’ve discovered for myself just how simple and lucrative it is. For me, PMG is more than just the money. It’s a community of real people who are there to help each other from a place of integrity, backed up by superb training and support from the company itself. And the Beyond Freedom programme can be truly life-changing – every time I use it, I discover something new about myself. I’m here to stay in this wonderful journey of self-growth, and I love it!
Jeremy Devlin-Thorp - Edinburgh, Scotland

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