Polaris Media Group entrepreneurial educational publications, DVD's, curriculums and empowering events allow regular people to achieve success, improve their competence, enhance their self confidence and gain self reliance. We believe that given practical education, Any person can live a life they have always wanted too.


Know yourself DVD The development of the personal computer and the explosive growth of the Internet is one of the most significant events in our history. However, living in "the information age" does not guarantee the information is true or unbiased. Learn how to Know For Yourself in this confidence building DVD. BUY NOW  www.knowforyourself.com use coupon code 141141 for 20% discount.


Departure is your next step in your Beyond Freedom Evolution™. This three-phase multi-media learning system is your launch pad to self-reliance and personal freedom. Here you will learn vital distinctions which separate successful individuals from those stuck in a rut. Utilizing data from studying successful people, the Departure program will help you to dramatically increase your ability to Know For Yourself™, and help you gain confidence through examples from real-world achievers. Order today.


Action is the bridge between philosophy and results. You will learn the keys to managing activities and getting more done in less time leading to more personal freedom. Learn true prioritization and how to overcome procrastination that is influencing your decisions. Here, you will develop new habits which help make you achieve success. Once completed, you are on your way to achieving success and be prepared for the Beyond Freedom Evolution™ advanced courses.


Decision In this three-phase series, you will learn the values of decisiveness and what it takes to make personal choices resulting in improved self reliance and certainty. See for yourself how your past decisions are impacting your life today. In business and in life, leaders and entrepreneurs are decision-makers. Learn how to be a leader in your own life with new found self confidence in decision-making. Order Today!


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